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How to build good emotional health

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By Magdalen Luettgen

September 21, 2021

There are many important types of health.  Of course, we are aware of our physical health.  It is important that we are optimally functional in our physical bodies so that we can perform at our absolute best.   Our social health is also important.   It is important that we have a well-rounded social life.  One must make sure that they find time to do things for themselves and with others.


However, one of the most aspects of our overall health is emotional health.   An emotionally healthy individual is one who is in full control of their behaviors, feelings and thought life.    It is very easy to let life’s stresses get us to a point in which our emotional health is subpar

Notice your emotions

One of the best things that one can do is notice how they reach their emotions.  Notice the things that makes you sad.   Be aware of the things that make you frustrated and angry.   One may be wise to make a list of their emotional triggers.

It may be things that you see on TV or things that you get involved with.  It may even be people that you know.  Our triggers come from all over, and it’s challenging to find exactly what they are. What usually helps with figuring out your triggers, however, is organization. Make a list so that you can be aware and be reminded of these things.

Find a confidant

One must be sure to express how they are feeling in ways that are appropriate.   First of all, a person should have a confidant, mentor or friend that one should express their frustrations. A lot of people tend to bottle everything inside because they have no one to talk to about the feelings they are processing. For some, it is enough to have a few moments of quiet contemplation — for many, it rarely is.

A confidant will help with processing your emotions. Rather than keeping everything inside, having someone to talk to about the feelings you have will help you deal with what you feel in a healthier, more appropriate manner. A confidant can be your partner, best friend, or even your therapist. We recommend having someone trustworthy become your confidant.

Talk about it

Keeping frustration, sadness and anger inside can lead to even more stress.  It can lead to issues in your personal and professional relationships. That is why processing your feelings by talking them out with people you trust is a good thing – it gives you a release, it lets you take a step back and look at the issues as they are. Plus, talking about it gives a perspective that you may not have seen before.

If talking isn’t working out for you, try to write them down instead and let a confidant read through what you wrote. For some, talking is a source of anxiety and a potential trigger. It helps when you communicate in a way that you know how, and that you are comfortable with. But the bottom line should always be that you must process your feelings with someone you trust.

Find a healthy coping mechanism

In addition, one should employ different strategies to cope with the stress that they are facing.   A great idea is to start the day with meditation. One can download apps such as the Calm app to help optimize that strategy.

Another idea is to start the day off with deep breathing exercises.   There are quite a few deep breathing exercises that one can do.   One good breathing exercise is belly breathing.   The American Institute of Stress has found that a person can reduce anxiety and stress by doing 20-30 minutes of belly breathing per day.   This is done by placing one hand on the upper portion of your chest and another on the belly.    After allowing your belly to relax completely, one should inhale through their nurse and exhale through the mouth.

Mindfulness is key

The practice of mindfulness is keeping a kind and accepting perspective while paying attention to our internal and external experiences on a moment-to-moment basis, including our thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and the environment.

One technique that you can use to promote mindfulness is mindful breathing.  It is intentional breathing that encourages an individual to focus on the present moment without allowing one’s mind to focus on either the past or future. Practicing this several times a day lets you develop a mindset that is more in tune with what’s happening around them.




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